Forensic Engineering

Forensic Engineering is the scientific and analytical methodology of finding out why things happen. Forensic engineering in electrical engineering utilizes two main approaches:

  • Onsite visual inspections accompanied by required electrical tests
  • Modeling the electrical system or the equipment to determine how it should have acted and it did not. We at LargePowerTransformers use EMTP and other software to simulate the power system and its components. 

Through our thorough studies, reviews and evaluations at LargePowerTransformers, we act as technical detective to discover the facts to help you in potential legal cases. 

Some highlights of our services are:


·         Site Assessment and preliminary investigation 

·         Use of Drones (fire, high altitude areas that cannot be reached due to fire or other restrictions) 

·         Identification of the causal factors and root causes 

·         Verbal and/or comprehensive written report 

·         Recommendations for improvements and future preventions 

·         Training the owner organizations on the nature of failures and incidents 

·         Support the client for loss recovery 

·         Court appearance for expert witness

Power Transformer Fire & Explosion

In every transformer failure event, correct determination of Causal Factors and Root Causes for each Causal Factor is the building block of the Failure Investigation and Forensic engineering

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Acceptance Tests

Let us represent you at for the Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT).

We are experts in Transformer Factory Acceptance Tests and travel to manufacturing plants or repair facilities on your behalf.

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